Protect your car, deter thieves with Catsiren - the ultimate defense against catalytic converter theft.
Fits all cars, trucks, and SUVs
Adjustable sensitivity: 3, 5, and 10 feet
30 second installation
Magnetically mounted
USB-C charging cable included
Low battery warning chirp
False alarm prevention technology
Thieves Can Steal Your Catalytic Converter in Broad Daylight!
About CatSiren
When armed, the CatSiren continuously monitors the motion around your catalytic converter using Doppler Radar technology. If a thief attempts to crawl under your car to saw off your catalytic converter, the CatSiren creates a 130 decibel alarm noise. To prevent false alarms from pets, pests and debris, the CatSiren emits a brief warning signal before activating the full alarm sequence.
The CatSiren is controlled in a convenient and familiar way. When leaving your car, arm your CatSiren with the included remote control. When you return, disarm the CatSiren with the remote control. Sleep easy knowing that no one is attempting to steal your catalytic converter.


Identify vehicle catalytic converter. The catalytic converter is located on the vehicle exhaust system between the engine and the muffler.
Having located the catalytic converter, attach the CatSiren to the nearest flat, obstruction-free area of the underside of the vehicle. CatSiren should be mounted 6-8 inches away from the catalytic converter and exhaust pipe to prevent device overheating.
Once the alarm has been mounted, arm the device by pressing the Arm button on the wireless remote.
Before driving, disarm the alarm by pressing the Disarm button.
Check out our FAQ page for more information.
What Our Users are Saying
Simple and Easy Steps

Charge the device with the included USB cable

Mount the device 6-8 inches from the catalytic converter

Use the remote to arm and disarm the device